Friday, August 31, 2007


prelim 3 is turning out to be rather disastrous.

short break now during the 1-week hol, guess i'm gonna have to study harder.

its like getting a sense of deja vu all over again, for the umpteenth time.

i remember prelim1 & 2, those were damned disappointing.

now prelim3 is turning out to be the ultimate disappointment.

lets see,

english- comprehension is as unpredictable as usual, and my comprehension
marks are fluctuating more than ever. moreover, something unexpected
springed up during the essay writing component. hope i'll be able to scrape
a A1 tho, this subject is just way too important.

emaths- what more can i say. utterly heart-wrenching and disappointing.
i'm so damned sure i could have done much better,i got the lowest mark ever,
and i did better for every single one of my mock papers. so its darn
depressing. maybe my lack of sleep caused my careless mistakes, but its
really horrible, every single mark lost due to carelessness. Well,i can
only blame myself for not completing my ss revision beforehand and sleeping
late. now lets see what the paper 2 will turn out like, i need a 83/100.

ss- well, my combined humanities have never been a subject i was proud of.
during prelim2, i completely screwed it, but this time i think i'll be able
to do well. i did put in effort, and i hope it pays off. well, i had stayed
up late the night before in order to clear up any doubts , cause all the
tips from the teachers were different, and that really flustered me. being
able to feel confident for my ss marks now came at a hefty price though.

hcl- nothing much to comment. average i guess, but the six of my classmates in
the same chinese class say that our teachers pissed at us for messing up our
compre segment. i've got nothing to say, i felt that i gave my all for
the comprehensions.

thats sums it up pretty much so far.
and the emaths marks is darn depressing.

sometimes, just simply taking a bath, before sitting on an armchair near the window, staring into nothingness and letting the breeze caress you for a few hours feels just so darn good. as the minutes tick by, it seems almost surreal, yet you'll feel as if you were completely detached from the world, all your frustrations gone, and just so darned carefree..
sometimes, i just find myself staring at ants, and i cannot cease to wonder , how's life like for an ant. it may simple, but at least they're free of worldly problems i guess, and thats one aspect of their life that i envy.


anyway tagboard down, posting problems again.
gonna find a new one again.
and its time to study more for prelim3.

lets see if my wishes come true,i don't want a screwed up first month in jc.

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