Monday, March 31, 2008

like a suckling pig -.-

flu's getting my nose all runny and my head all achey :(

i'm practically a walking zombie nowadays in school.
i walk here, stone, reality check , walk there, stone.
haha i think i even stoned right beside one bunch of people whom i didnt even know and if i didnt really remember wrongly they were looking at me like i was some weirdo.

and heck i realised that i sometimes unexpectedly release vulgarities loudly from my mouth when i cap in my craft.haha i distinctly remember cursing & swearin after some mistake caused me to end up swimming back to shore. which sucks

offf to bed which i am looking forward to veryvery much.
macritchie is soon fast becoming the only place where i can socialize. (then again i dont socialize there at all too)

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