Monday, July 21, 2008

well so national canoeing champs are over.
and it wasn't a real good race for me. but ohwell at least i know where i stand right now.
taking a singles race is so much different from doubles.
nerves nerves, and that stupid uber strong headwind/sidewind.
blowing everyone here and there. i think it caused so many false starts that a couple of people got disqualified.

and chma this year was good. i think this year's graduating batch has lotsa talent for music. haha
plus the hidden attacks on teachers made in the opening parts of songs or wtv.
but i cant help but thinking theres a huge lack of respect in the students. like whattheheck if the host tells you to stop throwing lightsticks and postcards around esp not at the guest performers/principal whythehell are you throwing even more of em . and dont be moronic, cause obviously those postcards have sharp edges and hurt when they hit someone. and if they hit someone in the audience like a elderly i saw there its not gonna be nice.i'm not being some saint cause ive had my fair share of misdeeds when i was in the school but what i saw at chma was really brainless.hopefully cathigh wont turn into some messed up school next time.

and i'm kinda sad that i've missed so many outings and events like homecoming this year due to other commitments. aye i miss 4-4'07. i wouldnt really mind repeating another year in chs with you guys. haha more gatherings in the future eh.

and i apologise to all those people whose smses i didnt reply!a big sorry. haha. cause im so tired that most of the time when i have time off i just sleep and i end up neglecting my handphone. ill reply them next time i promise. haha

housewarming pretty soon? i think ive gotten used to my new house already. no more climbing steps to reach home. (:

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