Monday, July 28, 2008

i updated.

edit : ohyea i just realised that the pics dont enlarge whn clicked upon. well too bad. haha

okay so maybe the chma's music wasn't so great at all after all that i've read. haha wtv maybe its cause of the state i was in that i thought the music was good. (my eyes hurt, retarded huijie somehow left a scar on my nose by doing something stupid, and i was blarrrrdy tired after ncc)

okay and so i'm going overseas on wednesday for back on monday. no lessons on wed, thurs, fri, mon hehe. i'm happy bout skipping school, but not that happy after thinking bout how much i'll miss out in terms of studies. especially after i found out today that i've got to work quite hard to meet promotion criteria. suckssssssssss totallyyyy la. to know that you're so bad that you'll even have trouble "meeting the minimum expectations to further your education."

but then again hopefully i'll be able to sort out some basic stuff before i leave. and hopefully there'll be some achievements at the competition. its international standard but yea, we'll just row with our heart&souls.

short list of stuff to prepare for
- A's

guess that pretty much sums up the major stuff in my jc life.
kinda simple eh? considering that other than two of the above all the jc students in singapore have to take. haha. wait add one to the list

-ARMY/ ENLISTMENT/ NS (haha couple years back it seemed so distant)

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