Saturday, July 12, 2008

hello people. seeing that there's been an excessive number of you cursing and what-not at my tagboard, ill update. but there's no interesting stuff that's being posted. no posts regarding one day in minshing's life - which i think is rather interesting - but oh well. just boring rants.

er. so today was a saturday. and it was spent at home , mostly reflecting on the past 6 months and what i've been exactly doing. i'm not so sure right now still, but hopefully i'll figure out the missing parts soon enough. the rest of the day i spent rotting away, watching prison break 2 (finally finished it. i need season 3!) , and basically.. lying around.

there's quite alot going on in cca now, and i'm not sure how that'll affect the cca. but yes, i hope there'll be lesser drama and stuff so that we can focus better. cca's been a big part of my college life certainly, i think i spent about half my time at macritchie or on the track or the bars, so i hope things sort out themselves soon enough.
then, there's the issue of studies. my studies are like sh*t now. seriously. i should have just put in a lil' bit of effort to catch up when i was lagging but yeap. that's another regret. time to buck up now, promos are just round the corner.

and now i've been thinking about the past 6 months. and mistakes. yea, mistakes that i've made. i've been wondering about this, wondering about that, and this seems like a small point in my life where i feel so lost. and i haven't really felt like this before. but then again there's not much meaning in thinking about stuff that has already happened. so like always. its just time to move along.

well, i'll just have to pick myself up , strengthen my resolve and focus on studies and canoeing.

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