Sunday, February 10, 2008

T1 mileage tmrw ! YEA. ( i just jumped )

blisters here and there.
3per side per hand/ leg
love the pain

well stupid studies stuff.
im gonna start studying only aft jae.
and my blog is prob the boringest crap ever
i think ive less than 5readers left . hahaa

change to secret blog.woohoo
well t'sarbucks rocks anyway :D
truth or dare & indian poker & i-never were great
so many secret stuff dug out, esp from ogls. hahha.
this is so retarded like im talking to myself like totally weird and i think im going crazy
im typing this stuff cause my fingers are sooo hyperactive and i cant think of anything smart to write so im just writing this just for the sake of writing it and its so nonsensical and if you bothered to read every single word i must say congrats cause i just wasted a couple seconds of your oh-so-precious-life and if you wanna complain you can talk to me cause im becoming extremely antisocial which is kinda nice too cause you've so much time to sleep and you can throw your handphone away and i just realiesd this is a friggin long sentence which is full of "ands" which is sooo boring to read so im gonna just end(AND) it here.haha so funny.

stupid spastic post.

row boat and more row boat

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