Friday, October 19, 2007

iRant. sounds so cliched and iPoddish. well then, but i do rant alot here.


have got to thank henry for today.

ahyes, thanks for erm. following me to study today.

its been one of the most productive days i've had in a long,l-o-n-g, time.

thanks for tolerating me tho, lets see:

calling you to bishan lib early in the morn before dragging your ass away from there.
digressing so much during studying.(blah,blah,blah,blah)
and i realised i still owe you $$ for dinner.i couldnt bear to pay. haha.

shall return you the $$ the next time.

okay by the way,
stop your addiction with the ___ __________ ______ _____ who ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ and ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

i don't see what you see actually.

and oh, i almost forgot.
could you lend me your very interesting little book.
its terribly fascinating, although i'm not at all interested in reading up on jim jones.

derek and gabriel fighting?
oh, this i've definitely got to see first-hand and upfront.

no pictures, til the 12th.

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