Wednesday, September 26, 2007


cbox is plain retarded.

1) it just blocked me again, which is like so wtf.
and its only certain tagboards, like derek's. and it was so fun,
nevamind, i still get to catch the action at junlong's,ys',hilary's, and a whole lotta other people's tagboards.


2) it has retarded ads, which just caught my eye.
"Your Porn surfing activity has been traced! Click to Remove - Scan Now Your PC has tracks of all the porn & illegal sites you visit. In many cases you are not awa... - Click Here"
oh wow, amazing. and retarded.

3) the ip thingy is not reliable.
for some stupid reason, people's ips are able to change.
okay, it may not be cbox's fault, but who cares.

there, i just launched a scathing attack on cbox,
lets hope they dont sue me.
no offense, its just a consumer opinion.

post-prelims, pre-o's.
faces removed for privacy's

and i can finally snap,
still working on whistling.
o's gives you time to learn skills like these,great.

normally i wouldn't listen to this kinda songs,
but mtv keeps playin the vid,and its kinda nice.
haha. enjoy.

"you know what boy? you have the right to remain stupid, boy"

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