Thursday, December 6, 2007

MANDAI. aint going near that sucky road anymore.

thanks guys.
haha, seriosuly, i appreciate this alot.
i was kinda shocked when i checked my handphone and found out you all were here.

ohyea, mandai road seriously sucks.
i'm sure eugene and royston and gabriel would definitely agree.
oh yea, where are all the crocodiles in singapore?!
i saw none in any reservoir/pond/canal/water source.
and its definitely disheartening.
i'm gonna go aussie someday to find one in the wild.with professional help.
i don't want to end up as croc fodder.

as for my obsession with crocs,
its a childhood liking.
i've always liked crocodiles <---- FACT
RIH people can testify to that, and my mum too.

now for some uber-funny shit.

lazy for long posts, lazy to recall stuff.
maybe some time later, and as for pics,
ill see when i get bored enough to upload more.ha.

did i mention that mandai road sucks?

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